Bayesian optimisation

Initial Designs for Bayesian Optimisation

Overview of initial design strategies for Bayesian optimisation. Implementations in R.

Test Functions for Bayesian Optimisation

Overview of some functions for testing and benchmarking Bayesian optimisation. Implementations in R.

Alternative Surrogate Models for Bayesian Optimisation

Surrogate model alternatives to Gaussian processes for Bayesian optimisation. Implementations in R.

Acquisition Functions for Bayesian Optimisation

A comprehensive overview of acquisition functions for Gaussian processes and Bayesian optimisation. Implementation in R.

Kernels for Gaussian Processes

A comprehensive overview of kernels, or covariance functions, for Gaussian processes and Bayesian optimisation. Implementation in R.

Bayesian Optimisation from Scratch in R

All the basic components of Bayesian optimisation introduced and implemented in R