
Build an Edge with Greengrass

In this tutorial, we build an IoT edge with Greengrass.

Industrial IoT with AWS and Python

Getting started with industial Internet of Things using AWS IoT and Greengrass. From the first sensor to machine learning at the edge.

Machine Learning at the Edge and other Advanced Features of Greengrass

In this tutorial, we deploy and operate a machine learning model, in an IoT network at the edge with Greengrass.

Publishing and Subscribing with AWS IoT

In this tutorial, we will take a closer look at the pub/sub model of MQTT and demonstrate its usefulness by having a sensor publish data and change behaviour in response to subscribed messages.

Publishing Industrial Data with AWS IoT

In this tutorial, we will obtain a value from a sensor and publish it to a topic on AWS.

Thing Shadows with AWS IoT

In this tutorial, we discuss the usefulness of thing shadows in industrial IoT, by demonstrating how it keeps the pub/sub network alive even if the thing intermittently goes offline.